Many dentists are overwhelmed by the many bone graft material options available on the market today.

Some are cheap — others are expensive

Some are high-quality — Some are not!

Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft

 To evaluate the quality of our bone graft material, studies were performed by expert clinicians with many years of bone grafting experience. Studies included simple socket preservation, sinus augmentation, as well as advanced Guided Bone Regeneration and ridge augmentation procedures.

Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft

After 3, 4, or 5-month healing periods (depending on procedure difficulty), the surgical sites were analyzed, compared, and evaluated.

After 4 months of healing with Surgical Esthetics’ Mineralized Cancellous allograft, histological analysis was performed by the Hard Tissue Research Lab at the University of Minnesota.

These results are shown below, as compared to publicly available data from a few of the largest allograft companies in the market.

Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft
Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft

When choosing an allograft, it’s important to choose the highest-quality material, that will turnover into living, vital bone cells. These cells can help the osseous structures respond to occlusal forces and fortify the bone surrounding implants. With fewer vital bone cells, and more residual graft material, longterm stability of dental implants may be compromised.

Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft
Bone Graft Quality | Surgical Esthetics | Surgical Esthetics Bone Graft